Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Parenting Older Children & Teens Teleseminar

Are Your Kids Driving Your Crazy? Parenting older children and teens - truth from the trenches! by Amy Sherman, LMHC. Thursday, August 27th 7pm EDT. Click here to register. Use coupon code SPECIALOFFER (no spaces) to listen for f.r.ee!

Is your older child acting out? Having trouble setting boundaries and guidelines? Join Amy Sherman, LMHC, a specialist in teen behavior issues, as she shares valuable insights on what teens want from their parents and what parents need in return. Discover the 5 most important secrets to successful parenting. Don't despair -- there are answers to your burning questions and solutions to the problems you face. Don't miss this transformational seminar from a professional who has seen it all -- and raised two teens of her own!

Woman of the Week : Meet Jo Ann Simmons

A licensed psychotherapist for twenty years, Jo Ann began her career by attending the American Music and Dramatic Academy in New York City to advance her dream of being a professional singer. The dream came true when she joined the Serendipity Singers, a popular 60's folk singing group, appearing on Ed Sullivan, Johnny Carson, and other national TV shows.

After extensive training in Gestalt Therapy, Jo Ann opened a private practice. She devoted the next two decades to helping countless clients make personal breakthroughs.

Today she is an author and Certified Coach who blends personal and professional experience to empower others in reaching their lifetime dreams. Her book "Stop Looking and Let True Love Find You! The Perfect Plan for Attracting Your Perfect Love Match" teaches singles how to attract the 'love of your life' ~ easily!

Dating singles can access love and relationship support through her individual or group coaching sessions, teleseminars, and free monthly golden dating tips.

Contact Jo Ann at joanne@joann-simmons.com to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session on how to attract your soul mate at 407 405-2735.

Women Helping Women Recommends...

Want to shorten URL's to use with Twitter, facebook and other messages? www.bit.ly.com
is highly recommended and provides tracking as well.

If you want to find the lowest gas prices in the United States and Canada - go to www.gasbuddy.com. This site is a network of more than 181 plus gas price information websites.

Love books? PaperBackSwap helps members Swap, Trade & Exchange Books with each other for Free. Mail a book. Get a book. Any book you request is yours to keep, share or trade. No late fees. No processing charges. No hidden charges. Every time you mail a book to another member, you can request one for yourself. Visit www.PaperBackSwap.com

SPOTLIGHT: Astrid Palmer

WHWM member, Astrid Palmer is a Independent Representative of Silpada Designs Sterling Silver Jewelry. Silpada's custom-designed sterling silver jewelry and its focus on making business fun has opened doors to unlimited possibllities for thousands of women. For some Silpada is a lucrative full-time career, while others enjoy a part-time business that generates extra income and creates wonderful opportunities to hang out with good girlfriends. Visit Astrid's website at: http://mysilpada.com/astrid.palmer

Don't Stop Believing!

Can you really attract what you want into your life? As the George Michael song said, "You Gotta Have Faith". If you believe, and then diligently work towards creating new realities in your life, there is a very good chance that the Law of Attraction will help you obtain what you desire. And, in the process you will get a natural high from knowing that you have followed through with faith and endurance in order to get what you want.

There's an old saying "you are your own worst enemy". That is true for many people who end up sabotaging themselves without even realizing what they are doing.

They don't realize that they have the means and the power to get what they want. The most important factor in using the Law of Attraction is controlling your thoughts and taking responsibility. Then you can select the type of experiences you want to appear in your life.

The way you react and respond to whatever is going on around you will really make a difference in motivating you to work toward your dreams and purpose. You have to really know what you want before the Law of Attraction can start to work. Then focus your thoughts on what you genuinely desire and imagine that you have already received it.

I'm sure many of you have already seen the Secret movie, but there is also another really interesting and intriguing movie out there called "What the Bleep Do We Know". This movie, in which science and spirituality come together, deals with the question of why we keep creating the same realities in our lives.

We may really try to follow the rules of the Law of attraction and tell ourselves that we are going to attain something that we really desire, but deep down we may be thinking that it's really not going to happen. We need to clear old beliefs and ideas that may be preventing our approach to true happiness.

The following paragraph was written by Wallace D. Wattles, who was actually the inspiration for the book, the Secret - "The creative power within us makes us into the image of that to which we give our attention. We are Thinking Substance and thinking substance always takes the form of that which it thinks about. The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best, therefore it tends to become the best, and it takes the form or character of the best, and will receive the best".

So, the best is yet to come. It takes some work and perseverance to reap the benefits that the Law of Attraction can bring you. When you are driving your car, you have to keep your foot on the gas in order for the car to move. The same thing applies with using the Law of Attraction. If you give up too soon, you will never know the satisfaction of realizing the attainment of all of your dreams.

Mary Ann Apostol is a WHWM member and the owner of Beautiful Dreamer Jewelry. She can be reached by email at Maryann446@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

WHWM Member Launches New Business!

WHWM member, Barbara Yolles-Hill has launched a new business specializing in personalized chocolate bars with sparkle! To order that special treat your guests will always remember, call Barbara at: (954)829-8862

Women Helping Women Recommends...

Try an Online Mind Mapping tool at no charge! at www.Bubbl.us

For business & office organization supplies (They have great Green & Eco-Friendly supplies!) try: www.Organize.com

Need graphic designs, logos, websites, postcards or business cards? Hold your own contest and find the right design at: www.99Designs.com

Women Helping Women Supports our Members!

Professional Website Headers for only $75! email Sabrina at Sabrina@SabrinaDesigns.com or go to: www.sabrinasdesigns.com

Promote your business at the next Women's Business Mastermind Group's Coral Springs Chapter Meeting on August 26th. Reserve a sponsor table for only $65.00 ($35.00 for Coral Springs Chapter members). Email Christina for more details at ChristinaRowe1@gmail.com

Find out how becoming grateful can change your life. fr.e.e daily gratitudes at: www.womenhelpingwomen.thankgodi.com

Looking for an emcee, announcer or someone who does high quality voiceovers? Call Jon Lederman at 561-367-9281 or via email at rd1299@aol.com

Celebrate the milestone events in your lives (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) with unique Montage Videos. Lifetimes on Video offers a huge array of video services.
Contact Jana Warren at www.lifetimesonvideo.com
or call 954-384-0047.

Women's Business Mastermind Group Coral Springs Chapter

Women's Business Mastermind Group Coral Springs Chapter: "Don't Clean For the Cleaning Lady" presented by Jan Knight. Wednesday, August 26, 2009. 7:30 pm -9:30pm.

You probably smiled -- because it's true. But believe it or not, cleaning for the cleaning lady can have an impact on our financial future. We'll talk about how, and what you can do to position yourself for success!

Coral Springs Country Club
10800 West Sample Rd
Coral Springs, FL 33065
$14.00 for members/$20.00 for non-members
RSVP by emailing Terry at: terristips2000@aol.com

Women Helping Women Pay it Forward Event

Today's Economy May be Tough, but the Women in South Florida are Tougher! Together we're a Force to be Reckoned With!

If you want to be... moved, inspired, supported and entertained, then you must attend the Women Helping Women Pay it Forward Event. September 17th, 2009. 6:30 pm until 10:00 pm at the Signature Grand in Davie.$15.00 per person.

For more information and to reserve your tickets, go to:

Copywriting Success Tips presented by Rosalind Sedacca

Copywriting Success Tips presented by Rosalind Sedacca, CCT, Thursday, August 20th at 7:00 pm EDT.

Copywriting skills - the words you use to promote your business - can make the difference between certain success and failure. If you use web pages, sales letters, brochures, ads, press releases and other marketing material, you need to understand what motivates prospects to respond, take action and buy. An award-winning professional copywriter, Rosalind will share valuable "insider" tips on pitfalls to avoid, copy length, headline strategies, closing the sale and other essential dos and don'ts that can make a powerful difference in your bottom line! Click here to register. Use coupon code SPECIALOFFER (no spaces) to listen for f.r.ee!

Women's Business Mastermind Group Miami Chapter coming soon!

WBMG is opening a new Miami chapter and accepting new members. Meetings will be held once a month in the evenings. If you are interested in joining this chapter, please email Christina at ChristinaRowe1@gmail.com to have your name put on the notification list.

Woman of the Week : Maggie Macualay:

Since 2000, Maggie has taught parents the skills to create peaceful, cooperative homes. As a Director with the International Network for Children and Families, Maggie trains Redirecting Children's Behavior™(RCB) instructors and leads RCB South Florida. Through Global Relationship Centers,Maggie is a certified instructor of the Loving Yourself and Others Course.

Through Whole Hearted Parenting, Maggie teaches RCB, presents over 30 workshops on hot-button issues for parents and provides classroom management training for teachers in both public and independent schools. As a Certified Coach, Maggie offers individual parent coaching.

Maggie has addressed conferences for teachers and parents and has appeared on both radio and television. She is the parenting expert on NBC 6, South Florida Today. Maggie and RCB South Florida in partnership with the Best You Can Be Foundation created Empowering Our Children, a conference for parents and teachers, in November, 2008.

Maggie created Parents in Pajamas© Teleseminars, providing nationally available online workshops. She also co-founded Whole Hearted Adoption Workshops, a full-day course for anyone connected to adoption, and she provides pre- and post-placement adoption seminars.

Maggie is passionate about parenting! She is the recipient of the 2008 American Business Women's Association Spirit of Excellence Parent Educator of the Year Award.

Maggie is a parenting expert on ParentalWisdom.com and NewBaby.com. She is the Child and Parenting Editor for
Parkland Life Magazine where she a writes a monthly column. The author of two parenting e-books -- Parenting Week by Week and 20 Steps to a Summer that Rocks! -- she also writes Parenting News You Can Use, a weekly E-Zine for the International Network for Children and Families. Contact Maggie at 954 483-8021 or maggie_macaulay@msn.com

Need More Business? Try Cause Marketing!

"I need more business, but my budget is tight" seems to be the cry of every local business I speak to. As I began to hear this more and more I came up with a solution that provides ways to market your business for virtually no cost except for your time.

One way to do this while building your brand is to partner with a charity and leverage the concept of "cause marketing." Cause marketing is about adopting a specific charity or non-profit campaign that complements your business and then promoting what you are doing for that cause.

A great example recently was The Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel's Hand Bag Drive at which they collected used hand bags in good condition to raise funds for the Partners In Education Program. Other successful examples are the businesses that sell soda by the can and are collecting the pull tabs for The Ronald McDOnald House. After taking the tabs to a recycler, the money then goes to The Ronald McDonald House.

There are many ways to utilize the idea of cause marketing. If you are a retail outlet you can become a drop off point for a Toys for Tots drive or a food drive. You can contact organizations like The March of Dimes, Muscular Dystrophy Association, American Cancer Society, Women in Distress, and others and find out what their needs are and how your business can help meet those needs.

The key to utilizing cause marketing is to make sure you are promoting your involvement. Send a press release out to all the media contacts that you have. If you don't have a media list, develop one by simply researching the media outlets in your area.

The great thing about cause marketing is that it can be done for virtually no money as all you need to do is create a program, develop and promote it. That can be as simple as letting your clients know that this month your business will donate a percentage of the profits to a local charity. Then have a picture taken of you writing and sending the check to the charity with a catchy caption such as, "Suzie Smith proves that service to humanity is the best work of life with her donation to (insert charity) made possible through the support of her clients. Suzie Smith can be reached at (insert phone number)."

This month pick a cause and use it to leverage your business success.

Jonathan Lederman is President of JSL Services providing his voice talent to local businesses, events, and sports teams along with business consulting, and motivational speaking. Jonathan can be reached at 561-367-9281 or rd1299@aol.com

Monday, August 3, 2009

Woman of the Week : Amy Sherman

Amy Sherman, LMHC, is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida, with a master's degree in Counseling/Psychology from Vermont College.

She has over 13 years experience in the field and has worked with adolescent substance abusers, abused men, women and children, patients with severe mental illness and the elderly. She is an educator, a seminar/workshop leader and a group facilitator, and offers programs and trainings around Palm Beach County, FL to numerous professional, spiritual and civic organizations.

Amy is also a trained clinical hypnotherapist, specializing in anxiety, weight loss and health issues. Amy's passion has always been to empower people so that they reach their full potential. She does this by following a holistic approach to therapy, integrating all aspects of the body, mind and spirit into her sessions. She recognizes that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of a person are important for an individual's well-being and overall health and that anything is possible with the proper direction. Amy's recent focus has been on baby boomers. As a boomer herself, she is aware of the special issues boomers face and is committed to helping others who are having personal issues too difficult to handle themselves.

Recently, Amy was awarded first place winner of the 2009 Victorious Woman of the Month Award.

Amy is the author of the e-book, Distress-Free Aging: A Boomer's Guide to Creating a Fulfilled and Purposeful Life. The ten strategies outlined offer boomers a strategy for transforming their thinking towards success, fulfillment and achieving their desired goals.

Amy offers individual, family and group sessions in her West Palm Beach, FL office and is available for coaching and consultations by phone. You can reach Amy at amy@bummedoutboomer.com
or 561 281-2975.

Women Helping Women Recommends...

On the road alot? www.logmein.com provides free remote access to your computer from another computer. Free or 120-minute free trial for upgraded version.

With www.backtype.com you can find, follow and share comments you make on the internet, blog posts, etc.

Like to participate on or do research via discussion boards? www.boardreader.com lets you monitor discussion boards for key words and other search terms.

Organic Search Versus PPC Marketing

Do you have a website for your business? Are you advertising online for that business? I have so many business owners who are just starting to realize the potential of online advertising for their small business but they don't know where to start. As they begin to investigate how to go about this, they become very confused and shy away from any attempt at all. The first question they come to me with is how do I appear as the first company on Google for my services? That is usually when I start explaining to them the process of beginning to do Pay Per Click Marketing to start while working on their organic search results on Google.

What is Organic Search? Google started off in 1998 as a simple search engine like many others at the time. A user types what they are looking for into the Google search box and Google then searches through its gigantic index of known web pages and tries to return the most relevant web pages to whatever the user typed in. Google did such a good job at returning the relevant web pages that they became THE trusted source for internet search. These search results are now called the organic search results. You can't buy the top listing; it is purely the determination of Google as to which sites appear first for any given search term. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is done on your site to get your rankings higher in the organic search results.

What is PPC? PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click advertising. In the Fall of 2000, Google started Adwords. This is a do-it-yourself pay-per-click advertising system. Anyone can bid to have their ad shown next to or above the organic search results. The advantages are obvious: you can get nearly instant traffic and it is a powerful money-making tool. However, every visitor costs you money and the competition is growing, which drives up the cost of your advertising for relevant keywords for your site.

The ultimate marketing strategy is a nice balance of both. You can start immediately by bidding for keywords with PPC and driving instant traffic to your website. While doing this, you gradually build your organic search results. As the site starts to rank highly for certain keywords you can stop bidding, or paying for those keywords on the PPC side. No single advertising method is perfect. It depends on how much and how fast you want sales, the amount you're willing to invest in your site, and your long-term goals for that site.

Lisa Paolo is an internet marketer. She owns several successful online businesses and has spent the last four years marketing those businesses online. She was named Franchisee of the Year in 2008 for one of her businesses and is the top income earner for several websites. Lisa consults with businesses to help them with their long term goals for successful internet marketing campaigns. She can be reached at lpfront@aol.com or 877-507-4848.