Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Woman of the Week :Colleen Bushby

Colleen Bushby is The Savvy Divorced Chick and founder of SavvyDivorcedChick.com and the creator of SavvyDivorcedChickCafe.com.

After almost 15 years of marriage, she walked out of divorce court no longer part of a couple. Navigating the pain of divorce with four young children, a new business, and an older home that needed work, like many divorced women Colleen felt afraid, overwhelmed and lonely. There was great support from family and friends, but no one in her inner circle that was divorced. Colleen went in search of a positive, supportive community of divorced women online, but never found one that met her needs.

An unexpected result of her divorce was that she discovered her gift and passion for helping women through their own divorce transitions and created the Savvy Divorced Chicks community. Her goal is to empower divorced women to turn their pain into power, security and direction. No matter where a woman may be in her life after divorce, the Savvy Divorced Chicks community has resources, tools, and events to lead a life that is better, not bitter, after divorce!

Colleen has an MBA, more than 20 years experience as an entrepreneur, and trained at the Coaches Training Institute. She currently resides in Connecticut with her children and is definitely living a life that is better, not bitter. For more information, visit:

1 comment:

  1. Encouraging,meaning there are always 'choices'!
