Monday, June 22, 2009

The 5 Pronged Approach to Building a Profitable Online Business

The 5 Pronged Approach to Building a Profitable Online Business. Radio Interview with Connie Ragen Green. June 29, 2009. 1:00 pm EDT.

After working as a classroom teacher, real estate broker, and residential appraiser for more than 20 years, Connie Ragen Green wanted to make a drastic change in her life. A 3 time cancer survivor, she wanted to have more time to spend with family, friends, and her community. Since walking away from her past work in 2005, Connie now makes a comfortable 5 figure a month income by teaching others how to build their online business and from the many products she sells on the internet. Connie credits her 12,000+ followers on Twitter and almost 5,000 Facebook friends with bringing her much of her success. Click here to register. Use coupon code SPECIAL OFFER (no spaces) to listen for free!

Woman of the Week: Meet Marsha Sims

Sort it out, Inc. Professional Organizing Service evolved from Marsha Sim's desire to get organized. "It was a personal quest," says Marsha, founder of Sort-It-Out, Inc.

In 1992, Marsha Sims was owner of Sims Realty in Miami Florida. "Hurricane Andrew helped me to make the decision that I wanted to do something else." Not knowing what to do, Sims met with a professional development coach. "Do this, and you will be really successful" the coach said, handing Sims the application for the National Association of Professional Organizers.

Sims was distraught. "I am holding an application for an organization in my personal area of incompetence." Years later, Sims recalls that "empathy was my greatest skill in the early years." Clients appreciated the fact that Marsha would jump right in and learn along with them. Clients were relieved to know that they were not alone, and that they would not be judged because of their lack of neatness. "I used to say, you can do this. I know, because I did it."

That was 1992. The coach was right. Sort-It-Out has grown, and now has many organizers who work for Sort-It-Out coming to you as an assistant. "It speeds up the process and allows you to focus on making the decisions necessary for success."

Sort-It-Out is frequently courted by the Media. "We have appeared on television, on the radio, in newspapers, magazines... you name it." Sims and Sort-It-Out have been frequent contributors to local publications, and Sims is often asked to speak for local organizations.

But most of all, Sort-It-Out has over 2,000 happy clients. We get so many thank-you letters we've compiled a booklet called, "Thank You, Marsha" which is available for you to view.

If you are looking for help, Sort-It-Out has proven itself to be the premier professional organizing company in South Florida. People call Sort-It-Out looking for real solutions. "We understand that Clutter is simply postponed decisions." We also understand how it got out of control, and we develop strategies with our clients to help them move out from beyond the chaos.
(Members: check out the replay of Marsha's recent teleseminar, packed with really useful how-to information, on the membership website.)

Women Helping Women Recommends...

Shoutcast - A massive collection of streaming radio stations covering every genre of music. A great source for listening to music while you work

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 Is Your Business Dehydrating?

By Mandy Bass
Newest Expert Faculty Member

An average adult can survive for three weeks without food, and just a few days without water. How long will your business survive without income?


In your business, there are only three sources of income - sales to new customers, sales to existing customers, or sales to past customers. How much income you generate depends on the number, size and the frequency of your sales.

Yes, new clients or customers are essential for growing your business, but the people MOST likely to buy from you are those who bought from you before. For most businesses, about 80% of their revenue will be generated from existing clients and their referrals over the next year. Yet most people spend 80% of their time looking for new prospects and they give very little attention to the people that are most important to them in their business.

Now more than ever it's critical to secure your existing and past customers in a proactive and conscious way. Not only is it easier and less expensive to do business with past customers, it also has the best potential for generating warm leads through referrals.

If your customers are repeatedly doing business with you, there must be a reason why. Are you clearly communicating all those reasons to potential customers? If you are not absolutely clear what those reasons are (and most people are not), then you must find out!

By identifying your strengths from the client's perspective, you can more easily communicate your value to new prospects, and this will make it easier to sell more.
Known as the Coach's Coach, Mandy Bass runs Priority Living Systems, a professional coaching and training firm in South Florida, founded in 1996. For more information on Mandy's extensive programs and services, visit

Monday, June 15, 2009

Woman of the Week: Annmarie Kelly

Annmarie Kelly is an author, speaker, trainer and victory strategist. She is the founder and principal of SkillBuilder Systems. Founded in 1994, the consulting company specializes in interpersonal communications and personal performance improvement. In her Victorious Woman Workshops, she facilitates a process through which women learn how to choose and develop more satisfying and authentic lifestyles, beginning with awareness and progressing through actions that result in a victorious outcome.

Kelly is the author of Victorious Woman! Shaping Life's Challenges into Personal Victories. She is also the author of numerous articles on a variety of topics such as emotional intelligence, goal achievement, behavior-focused performance improvement and women and life balance. Her articles have appeared in numerous publications, including: Performance in Practice, Dietary Manager, Smart Business Now, Massage Magazine, Entrepreneurial Edge and The Greater Philadelphia Resource.

Kelly is an active member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE), the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), and the Brandywine Valley Alliance of Coaches. She is a frequent presenter at local and national women's conferences including the Delaware Women's Conference, ASTD Leadership Conference, Clemson University's Professional Development for Women Conferences, Wilmington Women in Business, and Berks County's Paving the Way Conference.

In addition to her professional credits, Kelly claims her own victories over early familial dysfunctions that included alcoholism and sibling abuse, teenage overweight that resulted in self-image issues and paralyzing shyness, as well as later financial devastation and emotional loss. Her decision to write Victorious Woman! resulted from an unusual - and now resolved - health problem that had her and her doctors confused. The traumatic episode pushed Kelly to question her own strength and ability to face a potentially life-threatening disease.

Kelly currently lives in Chester County, Pennsylvania, with her spouse, Joseph Eagle. She finds her greatest joys come from ballroom dancing and traveling with Joseph (especially to Downeast Maine), an eclectic choice of music, reading mystery novels, soaking in the beauty of nature and being in the company of her good friends. She can be reached at SkillBuilder Systems, 610.738.8225 or

WHWM member Rosalind Sedacca won the Victorious Woman Award in 2008 and member Amy Sherman just received the 2009 Award for June.

To schedule coaching, workshops, keynotes or interviews, call 610 738-8225 or

Women Helping Women Think & Grow Rich Workshop

Attract More Money and Improve Your Financial Situation! Discover Your True Life's Purpose and Start Creating Your Life the Way You Choose it to Be! Women Helping Women Think & Grow Rich Workshop.

Thursday, July 9, 2009 at 7:00 pm. Nova Southeastern University in Davie, FL.

Find out the age old "secret" wealth principles practiced by the richest women in the world. Join us for an interactive workshop that will rid you of limiting beliefs and help you create a burning desire, unwavering faith and the persistence you need to succeed! $25.00 per person. Spaces limited. Register now at:

SPOTLIGHT: Jana Warren

Owner of Lifetimes On Video, Jana Warren began her business helping others celebrate the milestone events in their lives (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) with unique Montage Videos.

Choreographing the photos and clips to the music and creating unusual special effects when possible gave her longtime loyal customers who referred her nationwide. Out-of-state folks simply email or ship their materials. Videos are uploaded for approval before the final DVD's are mailed out.

Being a small business and catering to the like, Lifetimes on Video offers a huge array of services available to women (and men) for home or professional use. In addition to the montage video, Lifetimes on Video offers an array of services including; documentary videos chronicling the life of a family member (with interviews, narration, etc), sales promotional videos (for expo/trade shows, and as direct mail pieces), web site videos, visualization videos (Brief videos reinforcing goals with visuals and affirmations), EFT/Visualization Videos (Emotional Freedom Techniques blending with visuals and affirmations for goals such as quitting smoking),College Submission/Professional Demo Reels and her most popular service: transferring video camera tapes and VHS to DVD for just $10 a tape!

Jana is always creating new and unique vehicles to make people happy and improve someone's life and is proud to mention The Computer Diary, a book she copyrighted in 2005 that logs web site addresses, sign in names and passwords as well as technical support information. Contact Jana Warren at or call 954-384-0047

My Turn: Puppy Brings an Unexpected Gift of Love and Joy. By Lynn Rosenberg

My husband, Jerry, was ill with skin cancer and we were fairly limited in the things we could do. I hadn't given one second's thought to a puppy

And then one day my life changed. We were living in an apartment that didn't allow dogs, but on this day, I walked into the apartment lobby and I saw some people playing with a puppy.

"What's his name?" I asked. They told me the name. I called the puppy and he came over to me, but he didn't walk like other dogs. He raised his entire body and, with legs straight, hopped over to me like a rabbit. I had never seen anything like it.

I said, "What is it?"

"Wheaten terrier," he answered.

I was mesmerized

"I met the most remarkable puppy," I told Jerry later. I don't remember his reaction, but I know I had become obsessed.

I got the name of a breeder with wheaten puppies and made an appointment.

The breeder let me into her home and led me upstairs to the puppies. She told me on the way up that no decisions would be made until they were about 9 weeks old, that they wanted to see who would be a show dog and who wouldn't.

I was completely taken by the little boy with the turquoise ribbon around his neck. But she would make no commitment. I saw the puppy two weeks later and was even more enchanted. But still the breeder would not commit.

Two weeks later there was a message on my machine. "We just wanted to let you know we feel you'll give the puppy a good home and … "

And that's all I needed to hear. I was ecstatic, literally jumping up and down. Jerry was so very ill, but he was smiling and so happy for me. It was sweet and so touching.

Every minute spent with Zacky was great. He was such a novelty to us both.

Three months went by like nothing. We took Zacky to Marina del Rey to see the boats and the ducks (he couldn't have cared less!), we took him to the park after he got all his shots, and we took him for breakfast outdoors. We had someone to play with who made us chuckle and that was a good thing.

And then one day, suddenly, Jerry had a severe downturn. It was clear he was dying.

No matter how much you expect death, nothing can prepare you for the unbearable silence after a loved one is gone. If it hadn't been for Zacky, I don't know how I would have gotten through it.

Zacky gave me many gifts, but the greatest gift was that by having a dog, that meant part of my "job" was to play with him. He was born to play. The concept delighted me.

Honestly, most of the time I felt I had a human living with me. We'd play hide and seek the way I did with my childhood dog, Rusty. But Zacky couldn't find me worth his soul. He'd be one foot from me and couldn't see me sticking out behind the bathroom door.

Zacky and I were together for 12 years and 4 months. I adored him. He gave me such tremendous joy, and I tried to make him happy in any way I could.

After he died last year, May 6, 2008, I was inconsolable. If I could have died with him, I would have. He was everything to me.

As long as I live, I will never forget him. I will never stop wishing he was still here with me. I gave him a million hugs, but a million more would never be enough.

I hope maybe one day to get another wheaten puppy, but I don't know if it will be possible. I don't know how I could love it and not constantly think of Zacky.

But I suspect that if and when I'm ready to have another loving relationship with a pet, I will get some advice from a few good friends who have gone through this. To enjoy a pet's very unique and precious gifts of boundless love and limitless joy is worth anything.

The Aging Brain: Maintaining Cognitive Function

The New York Times recently published an article about research on the aging brain. I have always known that if you keep yourself mentally alert, you can preserve your cognitive sharpness and mental acuity. It has been suggested that if you learn a new language, do crossword puzzles, play Sudoku and other challenging games, you will be able to slow down the risk of getting dementia. However, this new research is taking it a step further.

Apparently, not only is it important to use your mind, but it is even more important to do so in a social setting. The University of Southern California has been researching a group of residents in Laguna Woods, who are active and self-sufficient, even though these elders are well into their 90’s.

The key to their brain health is the afternoon bridge game, where they must maintain a strong focus by remembering the bidding, the dealt hands and the strategies of their partner. If their memory should lapse, they are required to step down from the more serious games to the casual ones, also offered. While they are interacting with each other, at the same time they are maintaining brain health and fitness.

These residents are considered some of the most successful seniors in the world. In fact, this research is altering the way scientists are looking at the aging brain. While exercise and diet can’t hurt to keep you healthy and alert, it seems you need to be involved in a social connection with others to maintain your self-awareness. Psychologists believe that in isolation, a healthy mind can go blank and become confused.

Therefore, if we want to maintain our cognitive independence, we need to stay close with our friends, have stimulating interactions and keep challenging our brains by trying new activities. George Burns once said, “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”That's my new motto and I'm going to work at it!Amy can be reached at

Osteoporosis - Facts & Figures for all Women

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation:

*Approximately 8 million American women have osteoporosis, resulting in more than 2 million fractures annually.*One in two women over the age of 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in her lifetime.

* An average of 24% of women who experience a hip fracture will die from complications.Postmenopausal osteoporosis is something all women should take very seriously. I had the privilege of asking Dr. Karthryn Diemer, Clinical Director of the Bone Health Program at Washington University School of Medicine, a few questions to shed some light on this devastating, insidious disease.

Here is the discussion:

1. Q-If bone loss a natural by-product of a woman's aging process, what specifically can be done to prevent it?

A-There are several basic approaches that all men and women should do:

a. Adequate calcium intake - either through dietary means or with calcium supplements. The recommended daily allowance is 1200 - 1500mg/day. ( a glass of milk or serving of cheese has about 300mg of calcium)
b. Adequate vit D intake - 1000 - 1200 IU daily.
c. Ask your doctor if you should be screened for osteoporosis by having a bone density test.d. There are several medications that are approved for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Talk to your doctor as to what would be best for you.

2. Q-There are many products on the market now. Compared to Boniva and Fosamax, where does Reclast stand in terms of long term benefits?

A- Reclast offers strong protection in regard to preventing fractures: In a three year study, Reclast lowered the risk of vertebral fractures by 70% and hip fractures by 41%. Fosamax and Boniva lowered the risk of spine fractures by around 50%. (although these were not head to head trials). Reclast also offers the convenience of once yearly dosing for patients with osteoporosis and every two years for women with osteopenia.

3. Q-You should not take these products if you have low blood calcium. What does that mean?A- Your doctor should measure a blood calcium level prior to the infusion. One possible side effect is lowering blood calcium levels; therefore it is recommended that patients with normal calcium levels should be sure to take their calcium the morning of the infusion. If a patient has a low blood calcium, the physician should evaluate for the cause and correct the calcium level prior to the infusion. A common reason for low calcium levels is a low vitamin D.

4.Q- Can Reclast be used as a preventative, if you have osteopenia?

A- Yes, Reclast has now been approved for treatment of women with osteopenia. It is a 5mg dose every two years.

5. Q-What if, after the injection, you suffer from adverse reactions? What can be done to diminish the symptoms?

A- Approximately 15% of patients will have a side effect. The most common is fever and muscle aches. Taking acetominophen before the infusion can minimize these symptoms and it can be taken after the infusion if symptoms occur.

6. Q Research shows that all these products rebuild bone density. If you stop taking them, do things reverse?A- If any of the medications approved to treat osteoporosis are stopped, it is expected that there will be a decrease in bone density. Therefore, before any patient decides to stop their medications, they should talk to their doctor.

7. Q- People are living longer now. What is the research indicate about using these products for 30-40 years?

A- There is no data for long term use and fracture prevention (longer that five years) in any of the approved medications. We know that preventing fractures will improve quality of life and therefore our goal is to use these medications thoughtfully and with proper indications. More data will be forthcoming in regard to longer use.

I want to thank Dr. Diemer for this valuable information. Before you make your decision about how to treat osteoporosis, be armed with as much information as possible. Speak to your doctor, read all the literature on all the treatments and even speak to other women about their experiences. At the very least, get tested as soon as possible so you know the health and density of your bones. Remember, a busy carpenter never forgets to take care of his tools. Don’t be too busy to take care of your health.

Women Helping Women Recommends...

Get a free blog at or try an easy to use customizable blog at low cost:

Promote your next workshop, seminar or event at

Get streaming video software and make your own screen capture videos at


5 Cost-Effective Ways to protect yourself against skin cancer:

In the case of skin cancer, you can buy good health, or at least good prevention, and for very little. I'm specifically referring to things you can do on your own.

1. Examine your skin every month. Your whole body. Look for very dark or irregular moles or even specs.

*When I was in my 20's and shared an apartment with a roommate,she started dating an anesthesiologist. I have no idea how this caught his eye, but he took my left hand and turned it palm side up and said, "You better get this looked at". When I say, it wasn't a mole, I mean it wasn't a mole. It was no more than a fleck. A dot. I thought he was nuts. But he thought it could be a melanoma. I had never heard the term before but there was no mistaking the seriousness of his warning so I made an appointment to see a dermatologist, and had it removed. Afterward, the doctor told not to be concerned about it, and immediately I forgot about it. Fifteen years later when my husband called from his dermatologist's office to tell me he had melanoma I knew exactly what it meant because of my long forgotten experience. In my husband's case, it turned out to be deadly.

There is some debate going on right now about how effective sunscreen really is, and whether they really block the rays the way they say they do. But each day new and better ones are coming out, so it's worth getting the best you can afford (read up about what needs to be in there, or ask a dermatologist). But what makes sunscreen effective isn't only what's in it. It's how it's applied. Most people apply it once a day, if at all. It needs to be reapplied every two hours, or more often if you are in and out of the water, or sweating, or are, for lengthy period of time, in the sun. If you don't apply it properly, you're not using your full chunk of armor.

3. PROTECT YOUR EYES Use UV Sunglasses. An ophthalmologist called me from Michigan (in the winter!). That's when I first learned - not about UV Sunglasses - but about how many people get cancer in and around the eye.

You won't always find fabrics that feel good to your skin. But do the research. There are many companies making UV clothing today and eventually you will find something acceptable. And don't give up. Every day new things come on the market (I know I've said this before, but it's true). You'll probably find it on the internet.

There is an enormous variety of accessories, from UV head scarves, to UV gloves, to UV Hats and UV Umbrellas. And there are many, many more. Some cover part of your arms (for driving). There is enough out there to find protection that is comfortable for you and fits in with your lifestyle. So go out and buy yourself some good health. It won't be expensive and it could save your life.

Lynn Rosenberg lost her husband to skin cancer and has made it her mission to educate and inform consumers about sun protection. She has also created a line of UV Umbrellas and Hats. For more information, visit:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eliminate Your Fear of Public Speaking!

Moments of Power: Presentations That Get Noticed and Remembered. Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at 7:00 pm EDT.

Trainer, Coach and Speaker, Marsha Freedman's can't-miss telseminar will help you get noticed! Whether introducing yourself at a networking meeting, making a proposal to a few people or presenting to a large group, those who get noticed, talked about, and remembered get the business. Attend this teleconference to learn several simple-to-implement tips to increase your moments of power while speaking. Click here to register. Use coupon code SPECIALOFFER (no spaces) to listen for free!

Get Clients Now!™ presented by Sherri Frost.

Get Clients Now!™ presented by Sherri Frost. Wednesday, July 1, 2009. 7:00 pm EDT.

Imagine having an endless stream of clients by following just ten simple steps a day. You'll find out what really works to market your services... and what doesn't! Discover where you are stuck in the Universal Marketing Cycle. The most successful people in business have one thing in common...they take consistent, persistent action. Discover how to create a mini action plan based on the strategies most and least effective for you! Click here to register. Use coupon code SPECIALOFFER (no spaces) to listen for!

Outsourcing Secrets: How to Drive Targeted Traffic While You Sleep!

Outsourcing Secrets: How to Drive Targeted Traffic While You Sleep! presented by Howard Tiano. Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:00 pm EDT.

Howard Tiano, recognized as the "OutSourcerer," will reveal his quick and inexpensive ways to set up a website and drive targeted traffic while you sleep, using the talents of professionals all over the world. Click here to register. Use coupon code SPECIALOFFER (no spaces) to listen for free!

Discover ...What you should and should NOT outsource, What software will make your life online a lot easier,Insights about when to create your own content or use other people's content, Best traffic strategies and how to outsource them ,When and How to use the freelance sites the right way, Great resources

Woman of the Week : Dr. Jackie Black

Jackie Black, Ph.D., dubbed the Love and Relationship Doctor by Cosmo U.K., knows that "Love is never enough!"
Dr. Jackie serves men and women who are single again, pre-married, newly-married, new parents, long-time married; people living with or loving someone living with life-threatening or chronic illness and those grieving the death of a loved one.
In addition to her private relationship coaching services, Dr. Jackie offers on-going Dating and Couples MasterMind Groups focusing on specific areas of relationship life.
Dr Jackie's best-selling dating book, Meeting Your Match - Cracking the code to successful relationships, is the definitive guide that takes the reader through the process of meeting and dating in a straightforward and practical way. This book is a treasure trove of information, all with step-by-step processes to take you from single to being part of a rewarding relationship - and isn't that what most of us really want?
Her second book in the Cracking-the-Code series, People Talking - Cracking the code to excellent communication, will be available shortly.
Dr. Jackie is a popular newspaper, magazine and Internet syndicated columnist, radio personality, and a veteran lecturer and educator. She delivers her monthly Relationship Tip Sheet to men and women in over 38 countries. Her high-content and fast-paced Internet streaming radio shows and downloadable PodCasts, focus on current, and sometimes controversial, relationship-driven issues. She is an experienced TeleClass leader and offers TeleLearning opportunities from time to time.
Dr. Jackie is a frequent guest expert on radio stations throughout the U.S. and Canada and on Internet radio; and is regularly cited in major magazines: Cosmopolitan USA and Cosmopolitan UK, Men's Health Magazine, Women's Health Magazine, Maxim Magazine,, SELF Magazine, AOL Personals, The NEST Magazine,, YAHOO! Personals, and Politico.
In addition to her Relationship Coaching business, Dr. Jackie is on the faculty of Coach Training Alliance one of the top 10 coach training organizations in the world. To learn more about Dr. Jackie's work and her specialized coaching services, visit her main website at, her relationship-focused Blog at and her relationship-focused Podcast at
Dr. Jackie says, "Living your best life and love life for the rest of your life is all about taking responsibility, acting on your own behalf and being the architect of your life; and has little or nothing to do with your past, luck or destiny." She is a member of and you can reach her on the website.


In the '60s and '70s thousands of women fought a hard battle in the workplace. The purpose was to prove what seemed like a fundamental point: that, beyond the physical, there are no intrinsic differences between women and men. The intention was certainly valid -- opening doors to occupations and executive positions that were gender restricted or out of reach in the past due to the infamous glass ceiling. However, as the doors to equality began to open, an interesting reality also became apparent. Men and women are really not the same - in their thinking, acting, communicating or in many other behaviors. The truth is, we can never be the same, nor should we strive to be.

Females have been invading the male - dominated work environment for only a few short decades. Prior to the sixties and seventies women were relegated to a very narrow range of job possibilities: primarily as teachers, nurses, secretaries and sales clerks. Beyond these parameters the pickings were slim, the possibilities quite limited. As women accelerated their climb into the managerial and executive hierarchy, the differences in their approach to business - especially in terms of communication and relationship-building - became areas of contention at worst, and confusion at best. In the male-focused business world both men and women agree on one thing: men have greater perceived credibility. They're more comfortable standing in their power as authorities. Women are fighting age-old perceptions to gain their credibility. While men are judged by the position of power they hold, women in our culture are often still judged by the presence they bring into a room. In many cases they have to earn their influence through means other than perceived authority. That translates into working harder to prove themselves through overcoming more obstacles, achieving higher goals and demonstrating skills that measurably boost the bottom line.

A fundamental principle of psychology notes that people are more readily influenced by those they see as similar to themselves. Men have always taken this for granted when dealing with other men in business. Dissimilarity has become a major challenge for many career women who have trouble assimilating into the business world or corporate culture because they don't always know how to "play by the rules." Here are some concrete suggestions for women who want to bridge the business gender gap through playing by your own rules -- and making cross-gender communications work for you.

  • Speak with authority. Avoid raising your voice in a questioning tone at the end of sentences. When your voice goes up, your credibility goes down.
  • Don't wait your turn in meetings. Men assertively speak out with strong voices. If you have a comment, state it without waiting to be called upon.
  • Be aware of listening style differences. Women listen attentively with direct eye contact, nodding and vocalizing which men often misconstrue to mean agreement. Be clear when expressing the difference between "I hear you" versus "I agree with you."
  • Monitor your smiling. Women smile more readily in business contexts to be friendly. Men smile with women to flirt. Be careful your behaviors are not misinterpreted.
  • Honor your skills as a Relater. When difficulties arise, use the REAL Communication Formula as an aid: R = Repeat and review what you hear him say; E = Empathize with his feelings; A = Acknowledge the validity of his message, even if you don't agree; then L = Look and Listen for subliminal clues -- body language, voice tone, etc. -- so you can better understand his message, eliminate any defensiveness, and open the door to authentic, respectful, clear communication in which you both WIN!

Rosalind Sedacca, CCT is a Certified Corporate Trainer, an award-winning marketing copywriter and partner in the new membership website, Women Helping Women Mastermind ( She provides consulting, training and coaching services for businesses and professionals in all facets of marketing and business communication issues. Reach her at or 561 742-3537.

Women Helping Women Recommends...

Check out Copyblogger: ... where you can sign up for great insights on blogging, etc.Morguefile is a huge collection of royalty free images that you can use for anything - visit: Find fr*ee reports on public speaking skills at:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Woman of the Week

In 2000 she became the personal assistant and public relations consultant for the international Norwegian fragrance designer Geir Ness. Never stopping and always ready for new business venture, in July 2008 she took on a new and a amazing challenge, managing the largest living athlete in the world and former world amateur sumo champion Emanuel Yarbrough (AKA Tiny). Her high degree of expertise and organizational skills has enabled her to mount successful tours and special sporting events.

Possessing degrees in business and fashion design enabled Beatrice Davis to successfully venture into many facets of the entertainment business, including consulting, coordinating music festivals, organizing special sporting & corporate events, promotional campaigns for various sports celebrities as well as productions of music videos, low budget movies and short films.

A native of Switzerland, Beatrice Davis has hosted radio talk shows in Germany (Stuttgart Stadt Radio World Wide Entertainment News), and her industry related articles have been published in German music magazines (DJ Magazine and German Dance Magazine). These experiences have given Beatrice Davis a wide array of eclectic knowledge and useful contacts in the industry: from media, film, music and sports affairs to a broad range of interactive entertainment.
In 2007 she founded the on-line magazine No Strings Attached E News. The magazine allows writers to publish articles that normally may not be published through other magazines.
Freedom in creativity, writing and expressing each individual opinion is the main purpose of the magazine. Last year in September 2008 NSAEN teamed up with Usmile Radio an on-line radio talk show hosted by Lesly Federici. Partnering up opened up a whole new area of reach to a new and different audience. The show concept is based on inspirational people, celebrity interviews, general entertainment news and noteworthy opinions. To give the show even a more interesting touch, Emanuel Yarbrough became her co-host and instantly the radio talk show became a hit on the internet.
Beatrice's non profit affiliations and commitments include: Children's Medical Research Foundation; Chicago Cares; Athletes Against Drugs, Missing and Exploited Children; Core Center; Rising Sun Ranch, Swwan, SumoKids Foundation and National Runaway Switchboard. Beatrice Davis can be reached at Sassy B Worldwide Productions, Inc. at 773-525-5744 or through her website at

5 Tips on Being Memorable in the Minds of Your Prospects and Customers

Leaving a lasting impression on someone is a great gift to give and to be on the receiving end of. So, what makes one person more attracted to another or one vendor more appealing than the next? Chemistry, or a gut feeling can perhaps lead to a serious business relationship, but there are other key factors that help build the know, like, trust factor necessary for you to stand out and be remembered by prospects and clients.

1. First impressions matter in love - and in business. Take the time to "dress" the part for your prospects on- and off-line with your marketing materials including a web site that speaks well of you, is professionally done, has the appropriate colors, and format that makes it easy and appealing for your clients to navigate are key. Be sure there are no typos in your correspondence written or on-line via e-zines (electronic newsletters), direct mail pieces, etc. Remember, "You never have a second chance to make a first impression."

2. Put yourself in your prospect's shoes. Don't inundate your ideal target market with irrelevant information or hard sell product and service pitches. They're a sophisticated group of consumers and we all want to be treated that way. Inform them of specials that they would be interested in - a customer relationship management program can do wonders for you in terms of managing the specific needs of your customers. Look what it's done for and Wal-Mart. Appealing to their unique needs with solutions to their problems is the winning combination needed to win prospects into paying clients.

3. Offer more value than what you're charging. I spoke last week at Boston's Business Expo and had the pleasure of hearing Suze and Jack Welch speak at a private luncheon. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric suggested that there was no better time to start or grow a small business than now, if you had two things going for you - an undying passion for what you do, and the ability to offer exceedingly more perceived value than what you are charging. It got me and my team thinking and during a luncheon the next day when I had us all gathered, we came up with three new offerings to better serve you, our readers, and our small business owners who look to me for business development, marketing and sales guidance. Stay tuned for upcoming mentions in our e-zines for these programs launching this summer. Or for more information contact

4. Become an industry expert. Marcus Buckingham, author of Focus on Your Strengths suggests that experts are more sought after and make more money than generalists. Focus on your strengths and outsource weak links in your business and you'll be well on your way to leveraging yourself as the expert for which you are and that people want to pay you handsomely. Write articles in your industry trade journals, speak at conferences and trade shows, or host your own tele-seminar or web series. Your prospects and clients want to work with experts who can deliver sound, intelligent advice to help them move to the next level in their businesses. Start promoting yourself as an expert.

5. Hang with a High-Level Crowd. I've heard it said you are the culmination of the five closest people you associate with, so choose them wisely. If you want to attract high-level decision makers to know more about your offerings and your business - go where they are. What are they reading, what events are they attending? Determine how you can form a stronger bond and relationship with key decision makers who can make or break your landing an ideal client. Join CEO clubs and organizations, become a board member of your client's industry association meeting, go to hear them speak at various events, interview them for stories you can write for trade publications or for subscribers to your e-zine list. Think about creative and practical ways to get in with the crowd who can sign the checks. Make them your friends and attract more business than you thought imaginable.

The list could go on I'm sure, however, making yourself attractive to another person or prospect takes some planning, relevance, pleasant persistence (but not obnoxiousness), and letting your talents and strengths be known in ways that are beneficial to the other party. Love takes time and so does developing your business with a funnel of ideal prospects and clients. Hope these tips will be helpful in making you - unforgettable!

© 2009

WHWM Faculty Member and Business Development entrepreneur Nancy Michaels publishes the 'GrowYourBusiness' weekly e-zine with 33,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to start working with Fortune 500 companies, beef up your marketing, make more money, and have more fun and free time in your small business, go

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