Monday, June 22, 2009

 Is Your Business Dehydrating?

By Mandy Bass
Newest Expert Faculty Member

An average adult can survive for three weeks without food, and just a few days without water. How long will your business survive without income?


In your business, there are only three sources of income - sales to new customers, sales to existing customers, or sales to past customers. How much income you generate depends on the number, size and the frequency of your sales.

Yes, new clients or customers are essential for growing your business, but the people MOST likely to buy from you are those who bought from you before. For most businesses, about 80% of their revenue will be generated from existing clients and their referrals over the next year. Yet most people spend 80% of their time looking for new prospects and they give very little attention to the people that are most important to them in their business.

Now more than ever it's critical to secure your existing and past customers in a proactive and conscious way. Not only is it easier and less expensive to do business with past customers, it also has the best potential for generating warm leads through referrals.

If your customers are repeatedly doing business with you, there must be a reason why. Are you clearly communicating all those reasons to potential customers? If you are not absolutely clear what those reasons are (and most people are not), then you must find out!

By identifying your strengths from the client's perspective, you can more easily communicate your value to new prospects, and this will make it easier to sell more.
Known as the Coach's Coach, Mandy Bass runs Priority Living Systems, a professional coaching and training firm in South Florida, founded in 1996. For more information on Mandy's extensive programs and services, visit

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