Monday, June 22, 2009

Woman of the Week: Meet Marsha Sims

Sort it out, Inc. Professional Organizing Service evolved from Marsha Sim's desire to get organized. "It was a personal quest," says Marsha, founder of Sort-It-Out, Inc.

In 1992, Marsha Sims was owner of Sims Realty in Miami Florida. "Hurricane Andrew helped me to make the decision that I wanted to do something else." Not knowing what to do, Sims met with a professional development coach. "Do this, and you will be really successful" the coach said, handing Sims the application for the National Association of Professional Organizers.

Sims was distraught. "I am holding an application for an organization in my personal area of incompetence." Years later, Sims recalls that "empathy was my greatest skill in the early years." Clients appreciated the fact that Marsha would jump right in and learn along with them. Clients were relieved to know that they were not alone, and that they would not be judged because of their lack of neatness. "I used to say, you can do this. I know, because I did it."

That was 1992. The coach was right. Sort-It-Out has grown, and now has many organizers who work for Sort-It-Out coming to you as an assistant. "It speeds up the process and allows you to focus on making the decisions necessary for success."

Sort-It-Out is frequently courted by the Media. "We have appeared on television, on the radio, in newspapers, magazines... you name it." Sims and Sort-It-Out have been frequent contributors to local publications, and Sims is often asked to speak for local organizations.

But most of all, Sort-It-Out has over 2,000 happy clients. We get so many thank-you letters we've compiled a booklet called, "Thank You, Marsha" which is available for you to view.

If you are looking for help, Sort-It-Out has proven itself to be the premier professional organizing company in South Florida. People call Sort-It-Out looking for real solutions. "We understand that Clutter is simply postponed decisions." We also understand how it got out of control, and we develop strategies with our clients to help them move out from beyond the chaos.
(Members: check out the replay of Marsha's recent teleseminar, packed with really useful how-to information, on the membership website.)

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