Monday, June 15, 2009

SPOTLIGHT: Jana Warren

Owner of Lifetimes On Video, Jana Warren began her business helping others celebrate the milestone events in their lives (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) with unique Montage Videos.

Choreographing the photos and clips to the music and creating unusual special effects when possible gave her longtime loyal customers who referred her nationwide. Out-of-state folks simply email or ship their materials. Videos are uploaded for approval before the final DVD's are mailed out.

Being a small business and catering to the like, Lifetimes on Video offers a huge array of services available to women (and men) for home or professional use. In addition to the montage video, Lifetimes on Video offers an array of services including; documentary videos chronicling the life of a family member (with interviews, narration, etc), sales promotional videos (for expo/trade shows, and as direct mail pieces), web site videos, visualization videos (Brief videos reinforcing goals with visuals and affirmations), EFT/Visualization Videos (Emotional Freedom Techniques blending with visuals and affirmations for goals such as quitting smoking),College Submission/Professional Demo Reels and her most popular service: transferring video camera tapes and VHS to DVD for just $10 a tape!

Jana is always creating new and unique vehicles to make people happy and improve someone's life and is proud to mention The Computer Diary, a book she copyrighted in 2005 that logs web site addresses, sign in names and passwords as well as technical support information. Contact Jana Warren at or call 954-384-0047

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