Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Woman of the Week : Mandy Bass

Mandy Bass runs Priority Living Systems, a professional coaching and training firm founded in 1996. She works with companies who want to excel and professionals who want to breakthrough their current income ceilings, reduce their work-hours and lead more fulfilling lives.

Known as the coaches' coach, Mandy also trains and mentors individuals who want to help others succeed in a way that is profitable and fulfilling. She specializes in working with companies who want to solve problems, increase revenues, improve productivity and create a positive work environment.

Mandy has become the "go to" person for people who want stress-free solutions to raising profits and productivity.

In addition to conducting group presentations and workshops, Mandy works one-on-one with professionals and business owners on a variety of issues related to growing a business in a way that is congruent with personal and family goals. She speaks to sales groups and professionals who want more control, more certainty, more business and ultimately more joy out of life.

She provides people with what they need to know to get the most out of their personal and professional life. People become better decision makers by learning how to tap into their creative, intuitive genius on demand. They also become better problem solvers by taking their ideas and turning them into action. Mandy puts an emphasis on relationship-building skills leading to a more rewarding career and a richer experience of life.

As an international speaker with scores of television and radio show appearances to her credit, Mandy Bass is the inspirational force behind hundreds of successful professionals. She has served as president and board member for several philanthropic organizations and industry association groups. To get her free special report, The Seven Achievement Skills of Top Producers, visit www.mandybass.com .To schedule a consultation with Mandy call her at 954-587-8873 or email Results@MandyBass.com

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