Tuesday, July 14, 2009

You are the One You Have Been Waiting For By Marcy Ouelette

Like many of you I spent years searching: for the newest approach that would make me and my business a giant success; the next book, the next workshop, the next speaker, the next relationship, the next diet (the list is endless!) that would give me that secret something that would keep me ahead in "the game" that was my life; that something that would help me tap into that unlimited potential I knew existed within me, but just couldn't find. I saw and knew others who seemed to "have it' and even studied them, and for periods of time I would think I was there...but in the end there was still me seeking something outside of me.

In 2002 I met R. James, author of the Self Discovery Techniques who sincerely asked: "Maybe the answers are not to be found outside of us? What if all the answers we needed were already inside us? What if you were everything that you were seeking...no, not the mental, ego constructed self...the real you? The you beyond ideas and emotions and assumptions and self-definitions...Unbounded source awareness. What if happiness truly were an "inside job" and all the answers were to be found within and what if you were the most powerful being that you could ever find in this grand cosmos....but we had just forgotten our true self? What if this and much more amazing things were possible about yourself? Would you even be willing to explore and surrender any ideas of already thinking you know how things are or how you think they should be? "I said yes" and found I was the One I was waiting for!

Take a few minutes now and explore where you put authority outside of You. Examine where in your life you feel in charge and where you'd like to take more charge. Look at where you trust yourself and where you doubt. What are you still doing or who are you still Being that isn't working for you. Explore who you think you are and ask yourself if you'd like to discover more of that unlimited potential that you have yet to discover.

If this interests you and you'd like to be more, call or email me at marcy@selfdiscoverytechniques.com and visit our website: www.SelfDiscoveryTechniques.com. These techniques have given people a strategy to access this infinite potential and integrate it into everyday life. Discover the You, you are Waiting for!

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